Technical Journal

Stuff I hack

Getting started with nginx configuration

Thanks to fellow Hacker Schooler Leah Steinberg for inspiring this post!

Having intermittently struggled with apache2 configuration files for the majority of my adult life, I find nginx an absolute joy to set up. I’m completely sincere about that. But, for those who are just getting into Web development, nginx is just about as much of a struggle as Apache used to be—in fact, probably more so, because there’s less abundant learning material out there on the Internet.

So, here’s an attempt to make that situation just the slightest bit better.

If you don’t already have nginx installed, I encourage you to follow these directions for building OpenResty, an enhanced version of nginx that enables building entire Web apps within the nginx process using the beautiful programming language Lua.

But, from here on, I’m going to assume that you already have a stock version of nginx installed. Verify that if you run

$ nginx -v

you get some kind of reasonable response, like

nginx version: nginx/1.2.3


Now, make a file called hi.conf:

error_log stderr;
http {
access_log off;
server {
listen 4945;
location / {
return 200;
events {}

I’ve chosen the number 4945 so as to hopefully not conflict with any services that may already be running on your machine for one reason or another. Now, let’s launch nginx using this configuration file and test it:

$ nginx -p `pwd`/ -c hi.conf
nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied)
$ telnet localhost 4945
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
GET / HTTP/1.0

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.2.3
Date: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 01:50:28 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close

Connection closed by foreign host.
$ kill -QUIT `cat`

You’ll have to actually enter the line GET / HTTP/1.0. HTTP is a protocol intended for humans to be able to read and write, and you may as well take advantage of it! Of course, you could also navigate to http://localhost:4945/ in a browser, but then all you see is a blank page, which is not quite as satisfying (to me, at least) as a 200 OK on the terminal1.

What’s that? You want to actually serve data, and not just a blank page?

error_log stderr;
http {
access_log off;
root .;
server {
listen 4945;
location / {
try_files /index.html =404;
events {}

Then just drop an index.html into the same folder as hi2.conf and run

$ nginx -p `pwd`/ -c hi2.conf

Now you should be able to load http://localhost:4945/ and see what you wrote in index.html. Exciting!

Next Steps

If you installed OpenResty, continue with their Getting Started. Otherwise, I’ll leave you to other tutorials, or to the actual nginx documentation – this was really just an exercise in getting something to work. But, I will offer this advice: I recommend against using any of your OS’s magic, like special files and folders where things are supposed to be put, or special incantations for invoking nginx. Just run nginx on the command line. It’s a smart enough program to stay running once you’ve started it, without the help of external infrastructure, and I think you’ll be much less frustrated working with it directly, having all the relevant files in one project directory, than struggling to configure both nginx itself and your OS’s favorite mechanism for managing server processes. Once you’ve figured out how to disable the OS’s auto-server-starting mechanisms, you can modify the listen line to listen 80 so you can stop typing that pesky :4945 in the browser.


Oh, and one last trick: if you want to ask nginx to reload its configuration file without actually bringing down the server, just

$ kill -HUP `cat`

Happy hacking!

  1. 200 is the HTTP status code meaning “OK”, the status that accompanies most successful HTTP replies on the Web. As you might guess, that’s the same 200 referred to by the line return 200 in hi.conf.

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